Voice4Change England (V4CE) are pleased to announce the Windrush Community Fund. This fund is open to community and grassroots groups and organisations to bid for financial assistance from a £500,000 fund to help ensure that community groups can give support to those of the Windrush generation who may have faced difficulties in demonstrating their status or who may have suffered losses because of this. The aim of the Windrush Community Fund is to raise awareness and support engagement among those eligible for the government’s Windrush Compensation Scheme and Windrush Scheme. Charitable, community and grassroot organisations across the UK that work with affected communities can bid for an award from £2,500 up to £25,000, to ensure all people affected by Windrush are aware of the support available and are not missing out on the schemes or latest information. The Home Office fund has been designed with the Windrush Cross-Government Working Group and will be administered by Voice4Change England. V4CE has no role or connection with the Windrush Scheme or Windrush Compensation Scheme but is focused on assisting community groups who apply for the fund. Final decisions on funding will be made by the Windrush Cross-Government Working Group and the Home Office. To read the full details click here