The Inspire Fund provides funding for projects that engage the public with dementia and the life-changing research going on into the condition.
We encourage applications from people, organisations and communities with ideas, passion and ability to realise innovative public engagement projects on the topic of dementia. From those within or outside the research community, those with a track record in public engagement and those looking to apply their skills to this important issue for the first time.
This scheme is part of Alzheimer’s Research UK’s work to engage and empower the public by improving understanding of dementia and sharing the benefits of dementia research. We want to support new perspectives, talent and expertise to shed a spotlight on this important issue, and the scheme is open to anyone with the passion and skills to make that possible.
Apply today for one of our three funding tiers:
Bronze up to £5,000
Silver up to £15,000
Gold up to £25,000
To learn more click here