Core Funding - unrestricted funding for UK charities, at risk young people across the themes of abuse; addiction; homelessness and those who are supporting our young child carers.
Grants up to £2,500 for charities with a turnover of under £1.5m.
Project grants to charities aligned to our funding priorities and age range.
Shine Bright funding for regional charities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Funding enables charities to purchase wellbeing, emotional and mental health support items or educational, creative resources for the young people they support to promote happiness in a time of worry and anxiety. (Beneficiaries are selected and items are purchased/distributed by the charity partner.)
Star Start funding to tackle child food poverty escalated by the Covid-19 pandemic. We support breakfast clubs for young people aged 16 years and under, living in urban cities within the UK. Please note, for 2021 our Star Start funding will be directed to London.
Apply: March 1st – April 31st for June funding review.
To apply click here